Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Freedom of Speech: Independent Indian Press

Quoting from the new web magazine - The Independent Indian Press:

"Both Roland Morris Sr. and Bill Lawrence, Minnesota Chippewa heroes of Truth and independent thought, have passed on. The Native American Press / Ojibwe News has printed its final edition. But their legacy and what they taught us lives on.

"We will not be silenced or controlled. We are not owned by Tribal Government. We have a voice, and we will use it.

"This site is open to the writings of Tribal Members and those that love them for the purpose of standing up for Conservative Values, the US Constitution and freedom from over-reaching government.

"Current Federal Indian policy does not work to the benefit of the individual tribal members and their families; it works to the benefit of the tribal and federal government. It works to the benefit of those in power.

"In fact, Federal Indian Policy not only does not benefit tribal members, but it works to their detriment. The evidence is in the ever increasing amount of alcoholism, drug abuse, violence, mental health issues, child abuse and neglect, and suicides within Indian Country. Things aren’t getting better, they’ve been getting worse. It’s time it was admitted. The emperor has no clothes.

"As Roland Morris once said, being treated a child is the worst thing that can happen to a man. As adults and citizens of the United States, there is no reason why we need be considered wards of the federal government or chattel for the tribal government. We want to live with all the rights and responsibilities of every other American citizen.

"No more pretending that we aren’t capable. No more treating us like 2nd class citizens. No more taking control and “jurisdiction” over our children, as if parents who have moved on don’t know what is best for them.

"No more forcing us to live in a socialist system, where assets are controlled by government rather than families. America is up in arms over the Socialism Obama is forcing on everyone – but we’ve been forced to live with it for years.

"No more allowing tribal government to deny those living on reservations Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press, Freedom of Religion, and Freedom of Assembly. No more living under a system of Nepotism and Cronyism.

"No more living without a separation of powers within tribal government...

"...Further, financial dependence on outsiders must end. Governments have developed a circular need for social service funding, as it is the one area where they are assured outside funds. However, in focusing on getting money for social programs, the governments haven’t been giving economic growth and development any attention. There needs to be a decrease in the primary focus of program and service delivery, and an increase in focus on long-term, strategic goals that develop solutions and reduce financial dependence. With that in mind, workforce dependence on government jobs will also lessen. Reservations are top-heavy in government jobs; the natural outgrowth of a focus on program and social service funding.

"(Does anyone see similarity’s between the current tribal government system and the system President Obama is trying to bestow on us? Can we get a “hello!” recognition as to how and why Obama’s agenda must be stopped, and what must changed on the reservations?) "

To Read More Conservative Writing by Tribal Members - Visit Independent Indian Press

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